Thursday, April 16, 2015

The adverse affects of the homeysuckle in Missouri

The bush and vine both have taken over my yard and neighborhood. Please watch the video for more information.

Lonicera maackii

Eurasian bush honeysuckles (Lonicera maackii, L. x bella) We just refer to it as the Asian honeysuckle bush in Missouri.
It is native to Asia in northern and western China. This species poses a serious threat not only to the diversity of the ecosystems. It is listed along with Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) as the Worst of Invasive plants for our stateThe flowers are sometimes used by children, who remove the blossom by hand, and pull off the bottom to suck out the sweet nectar in the center. The red berries are mildly poisonous to humans and should not be eaten.

Lonicera japonica

Is listed as wide spread for Missouri invasive plants.
Japanese honeysuckle vine. It is native to eastern Asia including China, Japan and Korea. It is a twining vine able to climb up to 10 meters (33 ft) high or more. The root system is extensive and may be over 10 feet across and 3 feet deep.It will choke the life out of many trees and plants. It will spread itself via shoots, cuttings or seed. It will make layers on top of itself and suffocate or strangle small trees or bush. It can be controlled to some degree via labor-intensive methods such as cutting or burning the plant to root level and repeating at two-week intervals until nutrient reserves in the roots are depleted.

Lonicera sempervirens

The native Missouri honeysuckle may be the Trumpet Honeysuckle.  It is a vine that blooms from May to June and can be up to 15 feet.  It likes full sun.

Leaves are opposite (2 leaves per node)



Is the suppression of growth of one plant species by another due to the release of toxic substances 

 One of the most allelopathic plants is Black Walnut (Juglans nigra). The chemical responsible for the toxicity in Black Walnut is Juglone (5 hydroxy-1,4 napthoquinone) and is a respiration inhibitor. Solanaceous plants, such as tomato, pepper, and eggplant, are especially susceptible to Juglone.

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