Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Shade Tolerant Vegetables

At my old house I did not grow a normal garden. I mixed my veggies among the flowers. I use lettuces as a border. Many times put tomatoes at the foundation of the house. With colorful flowers in front. But at the home I am in right now. We had a termite treatment  applied to both the inside and outside of the entire foundation. So there is no way I will ever plant any edible plants near the house foundation. I do have many hostas planted in the front near the foundation. But even though some hostas are edible.  I will not try to eat them. I decided to compile a list of shade tolerant veggies. For my future reference.

 The following veggies will grow with as little as three to six hours of sun per day.
  1. Arugula
  2. Beans
  3. Broccoli
  4. Blackberries and raspberries
  5. Beets
  6. Brussels Sprouts
  7. Cabbage 
  8. Cauliflower 
  9. Cress
  10. Collards
  11. Currants
  12. Coriander
  13. Cardamom
  14. Carrots
  15. Cilantro
  16. Dill
  17. Endive
  18. Garlic
  19. Green onions
  20. Gooseberries
  21. Kale
  22. Kohlrabi 
  23. Lemon Balm
  24. Lettuce
  25. Mint
  26. Mustard greens
  27. Pak Choy
  28. Parsley
  29. Peas
  30. Potatoes
  31. Radishes
  32. Rhubarb
  33. Sorrel
  34. Spinach 
  35. Strawberries
  36. Swiss Chard
  37. Sweet potatoes and yams
  38. Tarragon
  39. Thyme
  40. Turnips
Shade Notes
Growing Tips
Arugula At least three to four hours of sun per day. Arugula welcomes shade, as this crop is prone to bolting as soon as the weather turns warm if in full sun.
Asian greens At least two hours of sun per day. Asian greens such as bok choi (also spelled “pac choi” and “pak choi”), komatsuna and tatsoi will grow wonderfully with a couple hours of sun plus some bright shade or ambient light.
Chard If you grow chard mainly for its crisp stalks, you will need at least five hours of sun per day; if you grow it mainly for the tender baby leaves, three to four hours of sun per day will be enough. Expect chard grown in partial sade to be quite a bit smaller than that grown in full sun. Baby chard leaves are excellent cooked or served raw in salads.
Culinary herbs At least three hours of sun per day. While many culinary herbs need full sun, chives, cilantro, garlic chives, golden marjoram, lemon balm, mint, oregano and parsley will usually perform well in shadier gardens.
Kale At least three to four hours of sun per day. You'll notice only a small reduction in growth if comparing kale grown in partial shade with kale grown in full sun.
Lettuce At least three to four hours of sun per day. Lettuce is perfect for shadier gardens because the shade protects it from the sun’s heat, preventing it from bolting as quickly. Often, the shade can buy a few more weeks of harvesting time that you’d get from lettuce grown in full sun.
Mesclun One of the best crops for shady gardens. Grows in as little as two hours of sun per day and handles dappled shade well. The delicate leaves of this salad mix can be harvested in about four weeks, and as long as you leave the roots intact, you should be able to get at least three good harvests before you have to replant.
Mustard greens At least three hours of sun per day for baby mustard greens. Mustard grown for baby greens is best-suited for shady gardens.
Peas and beans At least four to five hours of sun. If growing these crops in partial shade, getting a good harvest wil take longer. Try bush and dwarf varieties rather than pole varieties.
Root vegetables At least four to five hours of sun per day for decent production. Beets, carrots, potatoes, radishes and turnips will do OK in partial shade, but you'll have to wait longer for a full crop. The more light you have, the faster they'll mature. Alternatively, you can harvest baby carrots or small new potatoes for a gourment treat that would cost an arm and a leg at a grocery store.
Scallions At least three hours of sun per day. This crop does well in partial shade throughout the growing season.
Spinach At least three to four hours of sun per day. Spinach welcomes shade, as it bolts easliy if in full sun. If you grow it specifically to harvest as baby spinach, you'll be able to harvest for quite a

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