Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A very hot day

I have never seen a day start like this one Temp: 91°F Heat Index: 102°F before 7:00 am. It is not the temp as much as is it the moisture in the air. The grass is glistening in the sun as normal but I could not take a photo with out wiping off the lens. Also the purpel martins are missing. Normally by the crack of dawn they are making all kinds of noise. Chirping away and feeding. The windows are all covered like frost in the winter but it is moisture.
Hot out side and cooler inside.
I final have the photos under control wipe and shoot.
This cuke is blooming away.
The cauliflower leavers are getting big but no sign of veggie as yet.
The beans are flowering and healthy
The newest tomato is perked up well in the self watering bucket.
And this hosta is blooming away today


Sue said...

Gee, everything looks so nice. My stuff is so far behind with all the cold and caterpillars.

Carla said...

You are having weird weather aren't you? Bad winter stuff, now, I do believe you are as hot as we are-and we are supposed to be HOT in June-Oct, stay safe.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Your garden is a head of ours but I believe your growing season is longer.
Not very often I put in things that take more then 90 days.
I should be posting Sunday about the garden.

Coffee is on.